Task #25907

Referrer should only contain the URI of the previous request

Added by Bastian Waidelich over 4 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2011-04-12
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-
Sprint: Has patch:
PHP Version: Complexity:


Currently we store all the referrer parts (package, subpackage, controller, action & arguments) of the original request (and it's parent request if it is a sub request) in the hidden referrer fields of each Fluid form.
This is quite expensive and fails for arguments that are not serializable. The latter should be fixed with #25801, but it would be nicer to simply store the (relative?) referrer URI in a hidden field.
It is needed only in case of a validation error and in that case the Router could be used to get package & co from the referrer URI.

NOTE: POST arguments will be lost (a POST request to an edit form e.g.)

Related issues

related to TYPO3.Flow - Bug #25801: Request arguments should never contain objects Resolved 2011-04-06
related to TYPO3.Flow - Task #25802: Add notion of "internal request arguments" Resolved 2011-04-06

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