Bug #37564

Validation of Parent Object containing properties of type ManyToOne and ManyToMany to same Target

Added by Carsten Bleicker about 3 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-05-29
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch:No Affected Flow version:FLOW3 1.1.0 beta 1


Lets use the person model of the TYPO3.Party package as example.

The model contains a property $primaryElectronicAddress wich is a ManyToOne to ElectronicAddress and also a property $electronicAddresses
wich is a ManyToMany also to ElectronicAddress.

In my case i build up a form to update a person. this form also conains a field for property 'primaryElectronicAddress.identifier' to update also the primaryElectronicAddress.

If i submit this form with an invalid email, the validation of primaryElectronicAddress::identifier matches and
returning errors for the electronicAddress of the ManyToOne AND the ManyToMany cases, anything is fine. If i submit this again, the validation errors
only appears for the ManyToMany ElectronicAddress. I cant figure out why this happens, but it happens.

Anyone can take a look at this?

Kind regards

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