Task #39432

Clarify introducing properties

Added by Rens Admiraal about 3 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-07-31
Priority:Should have Due date:
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When you have an aspect to introduce a property, it's not clear this is not possible without any other advice in the same aspect.

The actual error:

Uncaught Exception
The class "Test\Aspect\ModelAspect" is tagged to be an aspect but doesn't
contain advices nor pointcut or introduction declarations.

Which seems incorrect for the developer as he introduced a property. Either this error should be clarified, or it should be possible to introduce just a property (last one doesn't sound really like a usecase as you would expect changed behavior if a new property is added, so in a common usecase you would have at least 1 advise).

This part should also be clarified more in documentation

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