Bug #42991

*.ts file, ftp access can't be opened

Added by Christian Tauscher over 2 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-11-15
Priority:Must have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-


TYPOscript files are named *.ts

I am Accessing files via build in ftp-Connection, trying to open a *.ts file (correct TYPO3 Icon) end up with a simple ERROR Message.
The file may be open correctly as TYPOscript as long as it is a local file.

Workaround: open remote TS file in Text-Editor without syntax-checking :-(

The issue is tested with:

eclipse: Juno/Indigo
Java: Oracle/openJDK
Aptana: Plugin V2/V3
Ubuntu 10/11/12

Thank you for this plugin, it's a great help


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