Feature #44123

Make the "Flow requires the PHP setting "date.timezone"" error more beautiful

Added by Ernesto Baschny over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-12-19
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch:No


My first impression with Flow/Neos a very unstylish "echo" error message with a die():

Flow requires the PHP setting "date.timezone" to be set. (Error #1342087777)

This was introduced in #37438. The default "date.timezone" is empty in most distributions, so I guess there will be others facing the same first impression.

My suggestion would be to make this error message more "stylish" and give some more help about how to / where change it (you use to give paths for Debian-like people). It should look more like the exceptions found later on.

On a more broader question: Why is this date.timezone required by the "Bootstrap" already? I suppose Flow has many other "PHP dependencies" (required settings, required loaded modules, required permissions etc), which should all be checked in this first installation step anyway. There is a step in /setup which tells me "Your environment seems suited for bla bla" and then redirects to a further step. Wouldn't this be a better place to check for this dependency?

Related issues

related to TYPO3.Flow - Feature #37438: Remove setting default timezone on its own Resolved 2012-05-23
related to TYPO3.Flow - Bug #54181: Use date_default_timezone_get() instead of ini_get('date.... New 2013-12-04

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