Feature #45164

Define syntax for validation rules in YAML

Added by Karsten Dambekalns over 2 years ago.

Status:Accepted Start date:2013-02-05
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:Karsten Dambekalns % Done:


Target version:-


To be able to define validation rules in YAML will be helpful in a number of cases, like for node types, validation of free-form documents (think about NoSQL), …

Here is a suggestion for defining validation rules:

    type: 'NotEmpty'
    type: 'RegularExpression'
      regularExpression: '(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\\/\\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\\/\\-]\\d{4}'
    preset: 'MakeLifeEasierForBram'

validation can have any number of elements, type follows the same rules as with the Validate annotation and options can hold any options that a validator accepts.

One new thing is preset, which is pointing to a predefined set of rules. Such a preset can be defined like this:

      type: 'NotEmpty'
      type: 'StringLength'
        maximum: 7
      type: 'RegularExpression'
        regularExpression: '[a-f56-]+'

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