Task #51286

Custom error views should introduce a controller context somehow

Added by Adrian Föder almost 2 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2013-08-23
Priority:Should have Due date:
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Target version:-
Sprint: Has patch:No
PHP Version: Complexity:


The error views use Fluid's standalone view, resulting in many possibilities to crash, because most Fluid features depend on a controller context to be set.

Just to mention:

  • f:form's @referrer... fields are empty, resulting in consequential errors when using for a login for example [1]
  • any uri/action related stuff with omitted package argument won't work because no package information is present
  • same for f:translate for example

So, as far as I see it, that standalone view should get a (pseudo-) controller context set...

[1]: for the record, such a consequential error could be using $this->request->getReferringRequest() in the onAuthenticationSuccess() method, this again calls $referringRequest->setArguments() with empty, but set values, eventually ending up with TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\Exception\InvalidActionNameException('The action name must not be an empty string.', 1289472991).

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