Feature #8981

Security/Performance: Provide Webserver Configuration file for common webservers - do not use .htaccess

Added by Thomas Fritz about 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2010-07-21
Priority:Could have Due date:
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For Security, Performance and Compatibility reasons there should be (perhaps optionally) the possibility to let the flow3 CLI generate a Configuration File for all common Webservers like Apache, and delete then the .htaccess file.

The advantages would be:
- Even if it would be possible to write files like '.htaccess' into the public document directory of the webserver there would be no security issue then.
- Apache would perform better because 'AllowOverride' could be set to 'None'. So Apache has not to recursively look for a .htaccess file.
- '.htaccess' is Apache specific and should not be there if not needed.

Related issues

related to TYPO3.Flow - Task #8923: Provide a Nginx Server Configuration for FLOW3 Under Review 2010-07-18

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