Feature #30195

Mockup and implementation of the "inspector"

Added by Berit Hlubek almost 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Status:Resolved Start date:2011-09-22
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:Sebastian Kurfuerst % Done:


Target version:-


We created some mockups for the content edit "inspector".
This has to be implemented. We don't want to use the "edit" button but have a "apply" button which is always visible but will be active as far as any changes are made. The editor doesn't have to go inside an edit-mode, all options are always visible.

The different edit-functions are collapsable and expandable through an accordion. It should be possible to expand or collapse all via a button on the top and it should be possible to expand only those tabs you would like to expand. Afterwards the system should store the status while leaving an element and when editing it again you will have exactly the same accordion elements expanded again.

typo3-phoenix-inspector.pdf (63.5 kB) Berit Hlubek, 2011-09-22 11:13


#1 Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 3 years ago

Hey Aske,

are you currently working on this feature?

I'm currently getting an overview, so that's why I'm asking.


#2 Updated by Aske Ertmann over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assigned To changed from Aske Ertmann to Sebastian Kurfuerst
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

Can you agree that this is already implemented?

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