Bug #30491

Commands with only one optional argument don't work

Added by Martin Brüggemann almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:2011-09-30
Priority:Must have Due date:
Assigned To:Robert Lemke % Done:


Target version:-
Affected Flow version:


I kickstarted a command controller and added one command action with one optional argument:


class TestCommandController extends \TYPO3\FLOW3\MVC\Controller\CommandController {

     * Render the documentation for a specific package.
     * @param string $packageKey The unique package key
     * @return void
    public function renderCommand($packageKey = NULL) {
    echo 'THIS IS '.$packageKey; 

If I start the controller with:

./flow3 test:render TYPO3.TheDefinitiveGuideToFLOW3

it outputs:


If I make the argument $packageKey required everything works fine and de render command outputs:

THIS IS TYPO3.TheDefinitiveGuideToFLOW3

Bug or feature?


#1 Updated by Robert Lemke almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Feature. The simple rule is: optional arguments must always be named.

The reason is that FLOW3 otherwise would not be able to distinguish between options and unnamed required arguments or exceeding arguments.

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