Feature #31484

possibility to modify inner workings of proxy class builder

Added by Jordy de Jong almost 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Status:Needs Feedback Start date:2011-11-01
Priority:Could have Due date:
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Target version:-
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch:No


It would be nice if there was some way to modify the inner workings of the Proxy Class Builder.

My use case: we want to be able to define the properties of our domain models, and the corresponding validations, in an external data dictionary / meta data repository. This way, properties can be easily be added to the domain without the the need for a developer. Also this way package X can easily add properties to a domain model defined in package Y, without the need for "tedious" developer work like creating new extending classes, adding getters and setters, etc. When generating the proxy classes for our domain model, I would like to be ablo to read the defined meta data for the domain model and use this to add properties to the generated domain model classes.

I'm not sure if this scenario fits the FLOW3 philosophy (if it is, maybe it's somthing we can contribute to the project) but at least it would be nice if it was possible to build this without hacking FLOW3


#1 Updated by Christian Müller over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

You could use the ProxyClassBuilder directly to build your models from metadata, maybe that is already enough?

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