Bug #332

Error screen just displays the beginning of an absolute path

Added by Malte Jansen over 7 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:Rejected Start date:2008-02-19
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:Robert Lemke % Done:


Target version:-
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch: Affected Flow version:


A relative path would be more useful, because you normally know, where you are running you installation.
See Screenshot...

TYPO3_Exception_1203442255942.png (2.4 kB) Malte Jansen, 2008-02-19 18:34


#1 Updated by Robert Lemke over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Assigned To set to Robert Lemke

Your screenshot doesn't show an error message but an exception backtrace. The path you see there is just an argument to a method - the exception handler can't know if that is a path or not. And even if it would be quite confusing for debugging if the exception handler modified the argument values in the backtrace.

#2 Updated by Malte Jansen over 7 years ago

Sorry wrong word yesterday evening..

What about just changing the HTML-output or don't croping it. This should just be a View adjustment or am I wrong?

#3 Updated by Malte Jansen over 7 years ago

What about just adding the dots at the beginning instead of the end? The filename is unique and includes normally the path, so just know where it's located.

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