Feature #43193

Optimize Classloader

Added by Christopher Hlubek over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:Rejected Start date:2012-11-21
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:Christopher Hlubek % Done:


Target version:-
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch:No


The default FileBackend does an expiration check on any call to require, which costs quite some syscalls. For the classes cache we could generally disable expiration (maybe with a backend option). For frozen packages this is already the case, but in Production a package cannot be frozen.


#1 Updated by Robert Lemke over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

That's what freezable cache backends are for. In Production Flow uses a freezable cache backend for code caches and freezes it as soon as proxy classes have been written.

#2 Updated by Christopher Hlubek over 2 years ago

Not exactly (there is no frozen code cache), but I also didn't notice, that for code caches the SimpleFileBackend is used, which doesn't do any expiration checks.

Robert Lemke wrote:

That's what freezable cache backends are for. In Production Flow uses a freezable cache backend for code caches and freezes it as soon as proxy classes have been written.

#3 Updated by Robert Lemke over 2 years ago

Christopher Hlubek wrote:

Not exactly (there is no frozen code cache), but I also didn't notice, that for code caches the SimpleFileBackend is used, which doesn't do any expiration checks.

Robert Lemke wrote:

That's what freezable cache backends are for. In Production Flow uses a freezable cache backend for code caches and freezes it as soon as proxy classes have been written.

I was referring to "FreezableBackendInterface". In production the compiler will detect freezable cache backends and then freeze the code caches:

        if ($this->bootstrap->getContext()->isProduction() && $classesCacheBackend instanceof FreezableBackendInterface) {

(see CoreCommandController)

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