Task #44078

Probably false behavior in symlinked environment

Added by Thomas Hempel over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-12-18
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-



I just tried to setup TYPO3 Flow where the sources where symlinked somewhere else. I my setup looked like this:

- Flow_Base_Distribution_Clone (installed with composer)

- DocumentRoot
-- Flow_src -> Flow_Base_Distribution_Clone
-- Build
-- Configuration
-- Data
-- Packages
--- Application
---- MyPackage -> SYMLINK to somewhere else
--- Framework -> Flow_src/Packages/Framework
--- Libraries -> Flow_src/Packages/Libraries
-- bin -> Flow_src/bin
-- Web -> Flow_src/Web
-- flow -> Flow_src/flow

This basically works but it shows at least two weird behaviors

  • The "Data" folder of Flow_Base_Distribution_Clone is used instead of the local one. (Clearing this didn't solve the routing problem btw)
  • I removed the Welcome package (package:delete) but it still had some default route somewhere that catched any request

Maybe this setup is weird but I think there might be valid use-cases for this. Someone might wanna look into this so Flow can throw a warning if unsupported symlinks are used. Moving anything to the document root solved all problems.

If you have any questions, kust let me know.



#1 Updated by Robert Lemke over 2 years ago

thanks for posting!

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