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Feature #44256

Special tag-handling for user-sessions (FE, and maybe even BE)

Added by Stefan Neufeind over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2012-12-30
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-


It might be great to be able to create content specific for a login-session and also use enet_cache for that.

If I understand it right adding a tag "fe_sessions_12345" would possibly either not trigger at all or always trigger a clear of that data when the session is modified. So I assume special handing for session-entries might be needed that triggers on purge (logout or timeout of session) of a session-record.

Related issues

related to TYPO3.Flow - Feature #43832: Taggable Sessions Resolved 2012-12-10


#1 Updated by Christian Kuhn over 2 years ago

Hmm, the tag dropping provided by enetcache is only done in tcemain. fe_session are no editable records, so enetcache won't do that.

To make something like that happen, one probably must hook into session persistence handling (if that is possible) in core and add some tags dropping there.

After that, an extension must be configured to write the according enetcache entries and add the tags.

Until now, we never had the urgend need to cache user depending data, so I will probably not implement such a feature to enetcache on my own, and would wait for patches in this area.

#2 Updated by Stefan Neufeind over 2 years ago

Added a ref to #43832 from FLOW3 v2 since I believe their concept of "taggable sessions" (as a feature of the session-manager) might be a bit related.

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