Bug #49708

Error after adjusting Name (URL) in the Backend

Added by Markus Günther about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:2013-07-05
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:-


If you change the Name (Url) field for a page node you will have a menu link to the backend in the frontend and not to the frontend.

Steps to reproduce:
- create a new page node
- publish it and everything is ok actually. You will have a link like http://master.neos/node51d6d8ed13acd
- if you now change the name (url) field to e.g. test
- save and publish it
- go to the frontend and you will now have a link like http://master.neos/test@user-admin.html in the frontend instead of http://master.neos/test

That behavior will only happen with the last modified node. So if you create a new node, everything is ok.

I actually use the dev-master.

Related issues

duplicates TYPO3.Neos - Bug #40639: When logged out, some (menu) links still have @johndoe.html Closed 2012-09-05


#1 Updated by Markus Günther about 2 years ago

I can reproduce it in alpha-3 and dev-master.

#2 Updated by Tim Kandel about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Duplicate of 40639

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