Bug #51312

Default php error handler generates warning (when loading TYPO3\Flow\Error\Exception class)

Added by Claudio Kressibucher almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Status:New Start date:2013-08-24
Priority:Should have Due date:
Assigned To:- % Done:


Target version:TYPO3 Flow Base Distribution - 2.0
PHP Version:5.4 Complexity:medium
Has patch:No Affected Flow version:Flow 2.0.0


Warning is generated when trying to load TYPO3\Flow\Error\Exception from Cache.
Tested in Version 2.0.0 (Flow)
PHP-Version 5.4.9

Steps to reproduce:
- configure server to show warnings
- Install Quickstart via composer (as in the Quickstart tutorial)
- The welcome page shows Warning on include_once(path/to/cached/TYPO3_Flow_Error_Exception.php)
(only if this file does not exist in the Cache-Directory, which was
the default setup as I followed the Quickstart tutorial)

Problem is in TYPO3\Flow\Error\ErrorHandler:
- try to load class TYPO3_Flow_Object_ObjectManager from cache
(via include_once in SimpleFileBackend::requireOnce)
- The error handler (ErrorHandler::handleError) is executed.
To prevent infinite recursive loops, php resets error handler
to default while executing the custom error handler.
(See http://php.net/manual/de/function.set-error-handler.php#48933)
- In line 79 class_exists('TYPO3\Flow\Error\Exception') gets executed.
This will also generate the error when failing to include the file
TYPO3_Flow_Error_Exeption.php from cache. But now php's default
error handler is executed and therefor a warning is generated and
send to the browser.
- The Exception-Class is loaded from Package-File, so everything is
working fine. The only problem is the warning that should not be

ErrorHandler.patch Magnifier (1.4 kB) Claudio Kressibucher, 2013-08-24 16:00

ErrorHandler.patch Magnifier - Corrected patch file (without debugging statements) (1.1 kB) Claudio Kressibucher, 2013-08-24 16:07


#1 Updated by Claudio Kressibucher almost 2 years ago

Added a patch file (disabling reporting of warnings when generating Exception object)

#2 Updated by Claudio Kressibucher almost 2 years ago

Please use my second patch file (submitted in this post). I forgot to delete some debugging code in the first try ;-)

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