Feature #6137

Implement a PHP Code Cache Frontend

Added by Robert Lemke over 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:Resolved Start date:2010-01-20
Priority:Must have Due date:
Assigned To:Robert Lemke % Done:


Target version:TYPO3 Flow Base Distribution - 1.0 alpha 8
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch:


The AOP framework and some other parts of FLOW3 (in the future) store and retrieve PHP code using the cache framework. However, this comes with a speed penalty because – in order to be compatible with all kinds of cache backends - the code must be stored using the String frontend and be parsed during runtime by eval().

We need a frontend which is optimized for caching code and in turn refrains from supporting all backends.

Associated revisions

Revision 4b8f4fee
Added by Robert Lemke over 5 years ago

[+FEATURE] FLOW3 (Cache): Implemented a PHP Cache Frontend which allows for effective caching of PHP code which is included with require_once() instead of runtime parsing with eval(). This significantly improves speed when used in combination with an opcode cache such as APC. Currently only the FileBackend supports PHP code caching. Resolves #6137
[+FEATURE] FLOW3 (AOP): The AOP Framework now uses the new PHP cache frontend for storing AOP proxy classes. Speeds up the initial startup of FLOW3 enormously. Relates to #6137
[~TASK] FLOW3: Removed all dependencies from the PHP6 package because the unicode support we were using didn't really make sense in the respective situations.
[+BUGFIX] FLOW3 (Utility): Fixed a bug in Files::emptyDirectoryRecursively() which wrongly recognized certain files as directories due to incorrect usage of the directory iterator.


#1 Updated by Robert Lemke over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r3758.

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