Bug #6501

RuntimeException thrown in file Backend.php

Added by Test no-lastname-given over 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:2010-02-17
Priority:-- undefined -- Due date:
Assigned To:Karsten Dambekalns % Done:


Target version:TYPO3 Flow Base Distribution - 1.0 alpha 8
PHP Version: Complexity:
Has patch: Affected Flow version:


Could not create persistence tables with DSN "sqlite:/var/www/typo3dev.co.uk/flow3/Data/Persistent/Objects.db". PDO error: could not find driver
7 F3\FLOW3\Persistence\Backend\GenericPdo\Backend::createTables()
6 F3\FLOW3\Persistence\Backend\GenericPdo\Backend::connect()
5 F3\FLOW3\Persistence\Backend\GenericPdo\Backend::initialize(array)
4 F3\FLOW3\Persistence\PersistenceManager::initialize()
3 F3\FLOW3\Core\Bootstrap::initializePersistence()
2 F3\FLOW3\Core\Bootstrap::initialize()
1 require("/var/www/typo3dev.co.uk/flow3/Packages/Framework/FLOW3/Scripts/FLOW3.php")

- The above happened during the first install (permissions and virtual host set properly)
- Debian 5
- PHP 5.3.1

Application requires apparently sqlite which is not necessary application on the given server.


#1 Updated by Test no-lastname-given over 5 years ago

Even after the sqlite driver is there, it is puzzling for me why Flow3 doesn't see mysql driver.

#2 Updated by Karsten Dambekalns over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Assigned To set to Karsten Dambekalns
  • Priority changed from Must have to -- undefined --
  • Target version deleted (1.0 alpha 8)

Well, if I get you right, you want to use MySQL. Then you need to configure FLOW3 accordingly.

... with DSN "sqlite:/var/www/typo3dev.co.uk/flow3/Data/Persistent/Objects.db" 

As long as the DSN points to SQLite, how is it supposed to use MySQL?

If you wanted to say you installed the SQLite driver, make sure you installed the right one and it is active. Check phpinfo() output for presence of SQLite in the "PDO drivers" section.

#3 Updated by Test no-lastname-given over 5 years ago

Dear Karsten,

Thank you for your response.

No, you didn't get me right, but it is not your mistake. I didn't explain myself properly.

I was just puzzled that the framework, while being very modern and sophisticated, actually behaves fairly rigidly and doesn't support flexible discovery of available services, but instead requires unavailable services and doesn't "see" the available one.

Maybe it would be good to change this issue ticket to a feature request.

On the other hand, maybe I am just "not informed", and there is an "installation tool" under construction. In case it is, please accept my sincere apologies for I didn't know about it.

Thank you.

Kind regards, T

P.S.: SQLite works fine. Naturally I have the latest version.

#4 Updated by Karsten Dambekalns over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

There will be some setup tool in the future, of course.

As far as the discovery goes, even if it could detect a missing PDO driver that would "only" lead to a nicer error message with the same facts. Because it could not possibly discover the connection parameters for any other database, thus you'd need to adjust configuration anyway.

#5 Updated by Karsten Dambekalns over 5 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.0 alpha 8

I created a proper exception page on the wiki giving some hints.

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