Task #8824

Create an abstract base class for Condition ViewHelpers to remove Code Duplication

Added by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:Resolved Start date:2010-07-12
Priority:Must have Due date:
Assigned To:Sebastian Kurfuerst % Done:


Target version:-
Has patch:


In FLOW3, we already have quite some condition ViewHelpers (f:if, f:security.if*). It turns out they all use a private API inside the framework, as they directly implement the ChildNodeAccessInterface, which is no public API.

Proposed solution
Create a new base class \F3\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ConditionViewHelper which should be used as a basis of condition-based ViewHelpers.

Breaking change

This is a breaking change for people who copied the "if"-ViewHelper and did their own condition evaluation, as the internal workings of the "if"-ViewHelper changed.

How to upgrade

Have a look at the new IfViewHelper, and see that it is now far easier to get up and running.

Associated revisions

Revision 02cabd1e
Added by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 5 years ago

[!!!][+BUGFIX] Fluid (Core): Refactored all Condition-ViewHelpers like f:if, f:security.if* to use a newly created base class F3\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\ConditionViewHelper. This greatly simplifies the implementation of custom conditions. However, THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE in case you copied the f:if ViewHelper to create a custom condition ViewHelper, as the internal workings changed. Please check the new f:if ViewHelper to see how to adjust your ViewHelper -- you basically just have to throw away a lot of code. Resolves #8824.


#1 Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

committed in r4836.

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