Feature #9211

Improve ViewHelper exception handling

Added by Bastian Waidelich almost 5 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:Rejected Start date:2010-08-09
Priority:Should have Due date:
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Target version:-
Has patch:


Currently, if a ViewHelper throws an exception, we catch that in the corresponding ViewHelperNode and simply output the exception message.
Instead, we should handle the exception depending on the current "context".

E.g. if in production mode, the exception should be silently ignored (and maybe logged instead). In development context, the message should be outputtet but probably with some more informations about the current template etc.

Question: in FLOW3/TYPO3 v5 we already have the notion of contexts. In v4 we don't have that yet AFAIK. Instead we could use the "devIPmask" setting to switch to development context.. Any ideas?

Related issues

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related to TYPO3.Fluid - Feature #4704: Improve parsing exception messages New 2009-09-20
related to Core - Bug #61861: Frontend throws exception on missing image New 2014-09-24
duplicated by TYPO3.Fluid - Bug #30935: Catch ViewHelper exceptions and log them in production co... Resolved 2011-10-14


#1 Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Rejected

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